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Founder/President Dleir Pasha M.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.





REBORN, A wildlife documentary film is focused on returning wild animals in Kurdistan Region, North of Iraq after a century of destruction by war and conflicts especially the mighty Egyptian Vulture "Neophron percnopterus"

and the Kurdistan Red Fox " Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica"

The film came to life from unsecure and harsh environment directly from the heart of the minefields.


Dengi Sruşt is a modern, self-contained autonomous company, independent and free from external support, ties or obligations. It is committed to the protection of the wildlife. Dengi Sruşt focuses on exploring, documenting and studying wildlife in order to create documentary films, suggest feasible and quality practices, propose remedial techniques, practical systems, and regulatory bylaws.

The beautiful environment, the wildlife and furthermore domestic animals of Kurdistan region, Iraq, and the larger Middle East are not only neglected, they rather are abused. Yet out of the very many remedial still virgin approaches, we confine our Dengi Sruşt resolve to only the educational side. Namely: bringing about awareness of the factors and imperative mechanisms for saving and protecting the environment and wildlife.

Revealing nature’s mysteries and proliferating information leads to the awareness required for synergizing efforts to protect and revive the regions’ wildlife. The Kurdistan Region ecosystem diversity diminution is at the dilapidated shape of nearing bottom line.

This is not detrimental only to the current state of the environment but entails future stupendous efforts to recuperate the region’s ecosystem,

recover forests, revive wildlife and re-cultivate the mountain flora. This alarming state of ruin is a consequence of the regional authority’s negligence, carelessness, and ignorance basic fundamental of the importance of the environment and wildlife.


The Kurdistan Region construction industry factories close to waterlines irresponsibly dispose their waste into the river systems. There is no legislation to regulate how industrial waste and hazardous materials should be disposed of. Neither the central nor the regional government seriously attend to environment or wildlife protection issues. 


Ecology near the territories of the river systems consequently is severely harmed. The pollution of the rivers has dramatically harmed the aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic birds such as duck, egret, kingfisher, mallard, sandpiper, and stilt also aquatic mammals such as otter etc. diet on fish. With a marked reduction of aquatic life particularly the fish, the aquatic birds and mammals that live on fish go down in number. They leave their habitat in search for hospitable environs supportive of survival away from humans and hunters to continue survival. 


Most wild animals such as fox, jackal, and mountain goat are near extinction from illegal hunting, unregulated fencing for development of vast tourist areas by capital owners, and by cutting down of trees also the spread of wildfire.


All of the surviving animals such as bear, leopard, lynx, and wolf are alarmingly reduced in number. Natural balance is harmed by the diminished number of these carnivores as can be seen from the increase in the number of wild boars. The upsurge of wild boar herds is bad for the environment and destructive to agriculture and farms.


Existing environment protection groups and clubs receive little or no government support hence they are few in number. Kurdistan, Iraq and the larger Middle East region are way behind the civilized world environmental legislations.


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